Frequently Asked Questions

Below we include responses to some frequently asked questions.

The surgery

  • The NHS currently provides no upfront capital funding for new GP premises, and hence the significant cost of the building requires long term investment from the BPMP partners, at some personal risk to themselves. There will be a commitment from the partnership that the land and building will have continuing ongoing use for medical purposes for as long as the NHS commits to rent funding of the surgery.

    Ownership by the practice partners avoids the difficulties of managing the physical buildings via agents and landlords, which frequently results in costly and delayed refurbishment with a substantial impact on the function of the practice when development or refurbishment is required.

  • The alternative sites considered included the Fire Station, Library, Cricket Field, Edwinstree School, the Nevetts site as well as other parcels of privately owned land around Buntingford, such as the turning circle on the Redrow estate.

  • The Nevetts site has been extensively considered as an obvious adjacent location. The site is owned by Hertfordshire County Council and a pre-application submission was made for a mixed-use scheme giving space for a surgery and new sheltered housing to replace existing. This was rejected on the grounds of being too crowded. The proposed plan would allow the provision of a surgery sufficient for current demand, but with no option to expand in the future, and the surgery would ideally require the whole site to meet demand.

    Furthermore, there would be a considerable land purchase price for the Nevetts site (likely at residential market value). Current build costs for a new surgery are approximately £2.8 million which, in addition to land acquisition costs, would require capital and interest payments that would be significantly more than the rental income received. The BPMP partners must raise funds for the construction of the new surgery due to the absence of NHS funding, hence this site is not a viable alternative for development.

  • Of the alternative sites considered, none were found to be viable, suitable or deliverable, nor did they have the space to provide the size of the surgery required.

    The land north of Hare Street Road has the space to deliver a new surgery up to twice the size of the existing premises, as well as providing the right infrastructure and access to support existing patient demand. It also has the potential to provide additional ancillary medical services and will allow the potential to extend or renovate at a later date to accommodate anticipated future demand.

  • Taylor Wimpey and BPMP have an agreement to work together to try to secure planning consent for this mixed-use development. The new Buntingford Surgery will be constructed prior to the first house being built on the land as part of an infrastructure first approach by Taylor Wimpey, and subject to receiving planning permission from EHDC, the new surgery can be built and open in January 2026 prior to the expiry of the existing lease.

    The provision of approximately 200 homes helps enable the new surgery to be delivered, through provision of access and utilities that have to be provided to the site, as well as allowing financial viability through reduced land acquisition costs.

  • If a site cannot be found that will allow for the delivery of a new surgery within the next two years, extending the lease of the current medical facility will be considered. However, the existing Buntingford surgery is already over capacity, and whilst there is some reserve capacity on the Puckeridge site, further population growth south of the practice will soon put pressure on this facility. This would leave the following options:

    • Closing to new patient registrations, which has a knock-on impact on services offered to patients

    • Reducing the services provided onsite, such as phlebotomy, midwife clinics, vaccinations, and nursing care, but continuing to provide routine and urgent care

    • Looking to provide medical services on other sites some distance away. For example, the provision of ongoing routine care for long-term conditions and review at the Buntingford site and urgent and on-the-go access to appointments provided in conjunction with the PCN partner practice, Dolphin House in Ware. This would however require patients to travel some distance.

    BPMP partners are committed to the long-term future of the Buntingford site as part of the combined practice, having merged management with it at a time of need, and taken on the Orchard Surgery when several contractors could not keep it running. The Hare Street Road site offers the opportunity to deliver a new surgery within the required time frames and will enable the continuation of medical care delivery in Buntingford that will be safeguarded for future generations.

  • Approximately 42 members of staff will be employed at the new surgery.

  • The practice is an accredited training practice for trainee GP’s and student nurses, however, the current facility limits the number of trainees and students it can host. The proposed new premises would therefore enable the practice to extend its capacity as a training centre.


  • The site is not currently allocated in the East Herts District Plan and lies directly adjacent to the settlement boundary within the ‘Rural Area Beyond the Green Belt’, which covers most of the northern half of the district. However as the Council is unable to demonstrate a deliverable five year housing land supply and the existing District Plan is also over five years old, the presumption in favour of sustainable development applies, as set out in the National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) 2023. This means that all development proposals which comprise sustainable development must be determined on their own merits and are not precluded by existing policies governing the scale, location and delivery of new housing, as such policies are deemed out of date by the NPPF.

  • Yes, there is a need for new housing in the district as the Council is required to designate and maintain a rolling five year supply of housing land, which it is currently unable to do. In addition the District Plan is more than five years old and so needs to be fully reviewed in order to meet future housing needs arising in the new Plan period to 2040.

Community facilities

  • We will be providing 3 LEAP’s (open play areas with equipment for younger children) and there is the potential for community aspirations for Buntingford to be met on site. You can provide your suggestions for future facilities on the have your say page.

Highways and Access

  • New bus stops on Hare Street Road are proposed, minimising walking distances to the surgery, with the Herts Lynx service also able to serve these stops and the surgery. Car parking will also be available at the GP surgery, including conveniently located blue badge parking, parent and child spaces and drop-off areas adjacent to the GP entrance.

  • The residential element of the development is an outline planning application and at this stage parking is not detailed, but will be in accordance with EHDC standards. The overarching aim applicable to all development is to minimise traffic impacts and encourage journeys on foot, by bike or by public transport, to ensure a development which is not car dominated. In addition, each dwelling which has a parking space will be provided with an electric vehicle charging point, as per building regulations. For the GP surgery, 30 patient and 30 staff parking spaces are proposed, of which two are proposed as blue badge and three as parent and child parking.


  • Survey work has identified that the site at present is of limited ecological value, largely due to the intensive agricultural management regime in place, which restricts both habitats and opportunities for wildlife.

    By complementing and enhancing existing boundary features, these are likely to benefit a wide range of faunal species, including invertebrates, birds, bats and small mammals, and would improve connectivity passing across and through the site. Continuous management with an emphasis on enhancing long-term biodiversity value would result in a 15% biodiversity net gain in comparison to the present state.

Local benefits

  • Yes. Financial contributions towards local public services will be agreed in consultation with East Herts District council. These contributions typically take the form of Section 106 Agreements and commonly include contributions towards health services, education and highways.

    In 2022 we invested £455 million into local communities to fund improvements and build new facilities.

Drainage and utilities

  • Where possible the development is being designed to reduce storm water runoff by using permeable surfaces and the incorporation of rainwater harvesting on individual properties for irrigation. Excess flows will be collected and drained to a sustainable network of swales and basins constructed to slow and restrict runoff from the site. This system would also clean the water, promote biodiversity and form part of the areas of public space within the scheme.

    Due to the topography of the site storm flows will be discharged both to a ditch network to the north and towards an existing culverted watercourse to the south through the adjacent residential area. Storm runoff from the site currently drains to these two systems and care is being taken to ensure that the development will not increase the rate of storm flows entering these networks. As such the scheme will not increase the risk of flooding locally.

  • Foul water from the new development will be directed to the Thames Water foul sewer network. Thames Water have confirmed that there is sufficient capacity in their network to accommodate projected flows from the new surgery and discussions are ongoing in relation to the residential parts of the scheme. If necessary, works to upgrade the sewerage network locally would be undertaken in advance of occupation to ensure that flows can be accommodated and that there are no adverse impacts on local residents or watercourses.


  • A planning application was submitted to EHDC in February 2024.

  • Subject to receiving planning permission from EHDC, the new surgery will be open in January 2026 prior to the expiry of the existing lease.

  • We are seeking outline planning permission for the new homes and subsequent reserved matters applications will be required to agree details such of the design of the new homes. Subject to planning permission, the new homes will be delivered in phases between 2026-2030.


  • Subject to receiving planning permission, construction will commence in 2024.

  • A Construction Management Plan would help to manage the construction period and control things such as the movement of construction vehicles to reduce the impact on the community.

    The details of this will be agreed with the Local Authority and County Council through the Planning process.